Why Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is beneficial for your kidneys?

You know that you are blessed if your kidneys are working accurately. According to a recent survey, approximately 14 percent of individuals of the entire world's population is experiencing kidney disease. Usually, your kidneys perform many crucial functions for your body like filtering of waste materials like creatinine and urea from your blood. They also send toxins materials to your bladder for the discharge of these waste materials through urine. Your kidneys are also liable for the promotion of your bone and muscle health.

Kidney failure is the condition of your kidneys when they lose the ability to perform the functions of your body. If there is swelling or pain in your chest that may be caused due to fluid retention in your body, the retention of the fluid in your body can be caused when your kidneys stop working. You can rejuvenate your kidney's functionality by choosing Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.

What causes the failure of your kidneys?
Several reasons can damage your kidneys and some of them are:

  • Low blood flow – A heart attack, scarring of the liver or liver failure and severe dehydration may cause low blood flow to your kidneys. High blood pressure and consumption of any anti-inflammatory medicines may also limit your blood flow.
  • Urinary problems – In this situation, your body is not able to eliminate urine that may cause fluid retention in your body. Kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, and blood clots within your urinary tract can cause a urine elimination problem.
  • A blood clot in or around your kidneys can damage your kidneys
  • Severe infection
  • Consumption of drugs and alcohol can force your kidneys to work more
  • Irritation in your blood vessels presents inside your body.
  • An autoimmune disease that can cause itchiness in many body organs
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Multiple myelomas that are a cancer of the plasma cells present in your bone marrow
  • Chemotherapy drugs that treat cancer
  • Some autoimmune diseases
  • Dyes used in imaging tests like CT scan
  • Certain antibiotics used to treat some other illness
  • Both types of diabetes
  • High blood pressure

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the main reasons for having kidney failure. If you are facing these diseases, then you are at a higher risk of having this disorder. These causes may be eliminated legitimately, just with the use of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?
If you are having more than one or two symptoms from the below-mentioned list, then it indicates that your kidneys are damaged.

  • Reduction in the frequency of urine
  • Swelling of your legs, ankles, and feet due to retention of fluids because of the non-functioning of your kidneys.
  • Breathing issue
  • Fatigue or excessive laziness
  • Nausea
  • The problem in thinking clearly.
  • Pain or pressure in your chest
  • Seizures & coma in some cases

These symptoms are not specified to kidney disease as they can occur due to other reasons. Still, the appearance of more than two indications in your body may intimate the non-functioning or failure of your kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can improve the functionality of your kidneys naturally, without using any dangerous therapies like dialysis and kidney transplant.

Stages of kidney failure

Kidney failure is categorized into five stages and may range from mild to complete renal failure. Stage 1 of kidney failure shows that there is a mild renal failure, whereas Stage 5 implies to complete renal failure.

Stage 1 kidney failure – In this stage, there is damage done to your kidneys, but without symptoms, and in some cases, no visible complications are there. You can manage and slow down the progression of this disorder by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It may involve the intake of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol, smoke, and tobacco products. If you are a diabetes patient, then you have to control your blood glucose level.

Stage 2 kidney failures – This stage is still recognized as a mild form with very few indications like protein in your urine or physical damage. You have to talk to your doctor about this health condition.
Stage 3 kidney failure – This stage is examined as the moderate damage to your kidneys. Your kidneys may stop working its functions.

Stage 4 kidney failures – Visible Symptoms may appear at this stage. Change in the frequency of urination, back pain, and swelling are some of the signs of this stage.

Stage 5 kidney failures – There is some difficulty in the functioning of your kidneys, but your kidneys are not entirely failed yet. Anemia, high blood pressure, and bone disease are signs of stage 5 kidney failure. Your doctor may recommend you to go for dialysis and kidney transplant. You can avoid the need for these therapies with the use of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure that treats kidney patients with the help of natural herbs.

Try to avoid risky treatments like dialysis and kidney transplant because of their low success rates and flat life expectancy rate after the surgery. That's why Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is the most suitable option for you that can eliminate the root cause of this disorder naturally.
Who provides effective Ayurvedic treatment for kidney patients?

Karma Ayurveda is well known for providing Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure that can help your body in controlling the progression of this disorder. They are rendering their services to kidney patients since 1937 to stop kidney dialysis. Here Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team are putting their best foot forward to treat kidney patients.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure includes some herbal medicines, dietary & lifestyle medications, and regular an exercise that can rejuvenate your kidneys.

If you are having high blood pressure and diabetes, then you are at a higher risk of renal failure. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can reduce the progression of this disorder without harming any organ of your body.


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