Ayurvedic Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda When the function of the kidney becomes weak, the toxic substances cannot be completely removed from the body. If there is excessive increase in substances such as creatinine and urea, many types of problems increase, such as the process of cleansing the blood with the help of machines. Dialysis is called.
When does dialysis occur?
Due to Chronic Renal Disease or Chronic Kidney Disease, if the Creatine Clearance Rate is 15% or less then Dialysis has to be done. Due to the problem of the kidney, water in the body starts to accumulate (fluid overload) problem. First is seen by giving medication, dialysis has to be done if you do not get any benefit. If the amount of potassium in the body increases and the heartbeat becomes irregular, then different types of medicines are given. Dialysis is advised if the effects of drugs do not appear.
How many types of dialysis are there?
According to the type of problem and the severity, there are two types of dialysis -
Hemodialysis - These are such processes. Which have to be done in several phases. In this process, a special type of machine door from the body is purified by taking 250 to 300 milliliters out of the blood and put back into the body. For this purification, the dialyzer is used. These procedures are done only in the hospital.
Peritoneal dialysis - In this dialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda a tube is inserted through the patient under the navel of the operation. Through this tube, a type of liquid enters the stomach. The membrane inside the abdomen acts as a dialyzer, which is extracted from Pd Fluid. These are quite a lot in practice nowadays. These treatments are those people who are very young or older, in the language of science it is called Extreme of Ages. This method of treatment is quite useful for people who have heart problems or those who can not tolerate the hemodialysis process.
When does dialysis occur?
Due to Chronic Renal Disease or Chronic Kidney Disease, if the Creatine Clearance Rate is 15% or less then Dialysis has to be done. Due to the problem of the kidney, water in the body starts to accumulate (fluid overload) problem. First is seen by giving medication, dialysis has to be done if you do not get any benefit. If the amount of potassium in the body increases and the heartbeat becomes irregular, then different types of medicines are given. Dialysis is advised if the effects of drugs do not appear.
How many types of dialysis are there?
According to the type of problem and the severity, there are two types of dialysis -
Hemodialysis - These are such processes. Which have to be done in several phases. In this process, a special type of machine door from the body is purified by taking 250 to 300 milliliters out of the blood and put back into the body. For this purification, the dialyzer is used. These procedures are done only in the hospital.
Peritoneal dialysis - In this dialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda a tube is inserted through the patient under the navel of the operation. Through this tube, a type of liquid enters the stomach. The membrane inside the abdomen acts as a dialyzer, which is extracted from Pd Fluid. These are quite a lot in practice nowadays. These treatments are those people who are very young or older, in the language of science it is called Extreme of Ages. This method of treatment is quite useful for people who have heart problems or those who can not tolerate the hemodialysis process.
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